
First published in 2007 as a sandpit for two old friends to play in, The Prodigal Guide grew up to be the web’s most irreverent miscellany of extravagance. We love watches, cars and gadgets - although we sometimes stray further than that.

Today, we’re more informed and better connected — but still deeply devoted to tomfoolery.

“Write drunk, edit sober.” — Ernest Hemingway

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An irreverent miscellany of extravagance. Watches, cars, and gadgets.


I help CEOs of financial services and technology firms build their brands, protect their reputations and generate sales leads. Passionate about the intersection of finance, technology, and media.
Car nut, racing driver, watch collector, cigar smoker, wine lover, gourmand, enthusiast of fine tailoring, and an obsessive over all things beautiful.
Unquenchable thirst for it all.